Other events & campaigns
Coming to a diocese near you!
Meet Pact's Faith in Action team and our CEO Andy Keen-Downs at a JustPeople Roadshow - a lively and nourishing time of learning, reflection, and action ideas.
Working in partnership with Caritas and other relevant organisations, Pact will share voices of lived experience, connect you with local Pact services in the diocese and bring together prison chaplains, volunteers, and other diocesan groups, as well as The Welcome Directory.
Ideas and opportunities to put your faith into action as an individual and as a parish to support the dignity of prisoners and their families.
In association with Caritas and The Welcome Directory.
Kindly sponsored by CCLA Investment Management.
Find out more about how you can support our brothers and sisters affected by imprisonment by attending a Pact JustPeople workshop.
These events are an opportunity to reflect upon Scripture, Church Teaching and Catholic Social Teaching through the lens of people affected by imprisonment.
They are open to everyone, free to attend and have no strings attached!
Enjoy a space to discern the Lord’s call to social justice, joining together to promote the Common Good in our communities.
For all our events, we extend a warm welcome to all, including ecumenical friends, and those who have lived experience of the criminal justice system.