Pact receives incredible, transformative funding for its work with prisoners and their families from a range of trusts and foundations.
Their investment helps us to innovate and co-create solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing prisoners, their families, and children. As a direct result of trust and foundation support, we have been able to break down barriers that prevent thousands of people from making a fresh start each year.
We receive unrestricted gifts from trusts and foundations that allow us to direct funding to where it’s most needed. We also receive restricted gifts to be used towards specific projects.
"Pact gives prisoners the support they need to make a fresh start and supports the families who are left behind when their loved ones go to prison. We’re delighted to help fund their pioneering work to create brighter futures for prisoners and their families."
Grants Manager, Benefact Trust
"We are committed to supporting the welfare and wellbeing of children throughout Wales, so we are delighted to be able to help Pact to care for those affected by the imprisonment of a parent or loved one."
Chair of Trustees, Moondance Foundation
Our ambition is to sustain and build new partnerships with trusts and foundations to achieve four key goals.
We would like to acknowledge all the charitable trusts and foundations who have supported our work this year, including those who wish to remain anonymous. Their contribution to our work is tremendous and hugely valued.