Zac And Chloe

Zac and Chloe: A journey through the criminal justice system

After Zac and Chloe saw their mum arrested at home, they had lots of questions, but their grandma couldn't answer any of them...

Follow Zac and Chloe's story as they face the challenges of their mum going to prison. This animation traces Zac and Chloe's journey through the criminal justice system, from their mum's arrest to finding out she is in prison to visiting and then preparing for her release.

Ar gael isod gydag isdeitlau Cymraeg.

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Zac a Chloe: Taith drwy'r system cyfiawnder troseddol

Ar ôl i Zac a Chloe weld eu mam yn cael ei harestio gartref, roedd ganddyn nhw lawer o gwestiynau, ond doedd eu mam-gu ddim yn gallu ateb yr un ohonyn nhw...

Dilynwch stori Zac a Chloe wrth iddyn nhw wynebu heriau eu mam yn mynd i'r carchar. Mae'r animeiddiad hwn yn olrhain taith Zac a Chloe drwy'r system cyfiawnder troseddol, o arestiad eu mam i ddarganfod ei bod yn y carchar i ymweld ac yna paratoi ar gyfer ei rhyddhau.

Zac And Chloe