Is it an emergency?
Lots of things that happen in prison can affect a person's health, however they may not necessarily be the direct responsibility of the prison's healthcare team to resolve.
Do your best to knock on the right door when you're trying to get help for your loved one.
If you're not sure, call the Prisoners' Families Helpline for free on 0808 808 2003 to speak to a trained advisor. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9pm - 8pm or Saturday and Sunday, 10am - 3pm.
Is it an emergency?
Worried about a prisoner?
Need to get a message to the healthcare team? (limited prisons only)
Is it about visits?
Is it about property?
Do you have questions?
Every month, Pact runs a coffee morning in central London for families with a loved one in prison.
It's a safe, non-judgemental space to get support and chat with people who know what it's like.
Sessions are professionally facilitated by Pact. Coffee and snacks are on us.