Every year, more than 200,000 children are separated from their mums or dads through imprisonment. Christmas can be a painful time for families in this situation. But you can help make the festive season a little brighter through Operation Elf.
Operation Elf supports parents in prison to give their child a Christmas gift, helping to maintain their identity as a mum or dad, and strengthen family bonds.
Pact staff across England and Wales will use your donation to help a mum or a dad in prison give a gift to their child.
If you are a corporate organisation and interested in getting involved, please contact our fundraising team at operationelf@prisonadvice.org.uk
Find out how Operation Elf has made a difference by signing up to receive regular updates from Pact.
After tasking the dads with finding out what gift their children would appreciate, we used the gift cards to buy their presents. We also ran a workshop for them to wrap the gifts and make Christmas cards. It was such a pleasure to see the men engaged with their families in this way.
Ellie - Family Support Worker