Pact CEO Condemns The News That The Government Is Considering Renting Prison Places Abroad (1)


News, CEO blog

Pact CEO condemns the news that the Government is considering renting prison places abroad

Andy Keen-Downs, Pact CEO, has this evening condemned the news that the Government is considering renting prison places abroad.

He said: “Renting prison places abroad is an indication that the capacity problem has now reached crisis point. It’s the entirely predictable culmination of years of underinvestment in our prisons, coupled with a justice system that simply locks up too many people.

“This is a deeply embarrassing moment for the Government and raises all sorts of questions about how our political leaders have failed to grip the challenges within our criminal justice system.

“As well as considering the impact on prisoners’ rehabilitation and the cost to the taxpayer, we should also pause to think about the families and children affected by this policy. How will family visits be maintained if we send prisoners abroad? How will wives, partners and children be able to stay in touch and support loved-ones through a sentence?

 “Prisoners who stay in touch with family are 39% less likely to reoffend – anything that undermines family contact undermines efforts to cut crime and deliver safer communities for everyone.”

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Photography by Andy Aitchison.