Reports and research

Explore the latest research, reports and service evaluations from Pact and sector partners.
Reports And Research
The Golden Thread

The Golden Thread

July 2018

An update on At The End of The Line (April 2017), evaluating the Pact helpline. Dr Lucy Wainwright and Paula Harriott on behalf of the Prison Reform Trust.


Hear Our Voice

Hear Our Voice: evaluation

February 2018

An evaluation of Pact's Comic Relief funded Hear Our Voice project supporting children and young people with a parent in prison. Dr Carlie Goldsmith.


Hear Our Voice 2

Hear Our Voice: recommendations

Recommendations for action to safeguard children affected by the arrest and imprisonment of family members. Pact, with support from the Children's Rights Alliance for England.


Supporting Young Fathers

Evaluation of Pact's Supporting Young Fathers in prison project

November 2017

An evaluation of Pact's working supporting young fathers in prison. Dr Pamela Ugwudike from the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, University of Southampton.


Visiting Mum 2017

Evaluation of Pact's Visiting Mum scheme

September 2017

An evaluation of Pact's Visiting Mum scheme at Eastwood Park prison. Dr Alyson Rees, Dr Eleanor Staples and Dr Nina Maxwell, Cardiff University.


Farmer Review 2017

The Importance of Strengthening Prisoners' Family Ties to Prevent Reoffending and Reduce Intergenerational Crime

August 2017

A review of what works in reducing reoffending and intergenerational offending. Lord Farmer.


At The End Of The Line

At the end of the line

April 2017

An independent evaluation of the Pact Helpline. Dr Carlie Goldsmith.


Collateral Damage

Collateral Damage: An inquiry into the impact of police home raids on the children and siblings of offenders in England.

November 2016

This report examines the impact that police home raids have on children. Jo Tilley-Riley.


The Right Road

The Right Road: a Catholic approach to prison reform

November 2018

A Catholic Perspective on Prison Reform published by the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales. This important contribution to the public debate was informed by our work with prisoners, their children and families.


Bridging The Gap

Bridging the Gap: A review of the Pact Family Engagement Service

August 2016

The impact of Pact's Family Engagement Service on prisoner wellbeing, reoffending and family relationships. Dr Jane Dominey, Charlotte Dodds MPhil and Dr Serena Wright. Centre for Community, Gender and Social Justice, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge.


Unlocking Potential

Unlocking potential: a review of education in prisons

Pact responded to the consultation in 2016 on the future of education services for prisoners led by Dame Sally Coates. The report finds that parenting, relationship education and family learning should be part of a much broader education curriculum.


Bacc Theory Of Change

Basic Caring Communities (BaCC) theory of change report

April 2014

An evaluation of the Basic Caring Communities (BaCC) programme for former prisoners. Dr Jenny Rouse and Rose Maguire, New Economics Foundation.


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